Monday, 22/07/2024, 05:03 (UTC)

Tokyo: 89 people hospitalized on suspicion of heatstroke

According to the Tokyo Fire Department, by 9 PM of the 21st, a total of 89 people between the age of 1 and 94 were hospitalized on suspicion of heatstroke in Tokyo. Among the patients, two men respectively in their 40s and 90s were in serious condition, 26 people were in moderate condition, and 61 people were in mild condition. 

The Tokyo Fire Department is urging people to take thorough heatstroke prevention actions, such as making sure to stay hydrated and using air conditioning and fans indoors to keep themselves cool. 

On the 21st, temperatures rose nationwide, with dangerous heat levels exceeding 38 degrees Celcius in areas such as Funakoshi in Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture (38.5 degrees), and Toyooka City in Hyogo Prefecture (38.2 degrees). 

Other cities also recorded high-temperature levels, such as 37 degrees in Nagoya City, 36.3 degrees in Osaka City, 35.4 degrees in Naha City, and 35 degrees in Asahikawa City of Hokkaido, along with other locations spread out from Hokkaido to Okinawa. 

Source: NHK