Wednesday, 21/02/2024, 08:09 (UTC)

Japan plans to make it possible to revoke the permanent residency status of foreigners who repeatedly fail to pay tax

The Immigration Services Agency of Japan is planning to submit a bill revising the current permanent residence permit system. More specifically, the amendment will make it possible to revoke the permanent residency status of foreign nationals who repeatedly fail to pay taxes and social security premiums or break the law.

According to the government, the abolishment of the current system for foreign technical trainees and the introduction of a new training program may lead to a significant increase in the number of foreign nationals becoming permanent residents. 

Under the current system, foreign nationals do not lose their permanent residence status even if they do not pay their taxes or repeatedly commit crimes that are punishable by imprisonment for up to one year. However, the new system will make it possible for the Japanese government to revoke the permanent residency status of foreign nationals who repeatedly commit the previously mentioned acts. 

The Agency also plans to establish a system where local government officials can report instances where a foreign national fails to pay their taxes. 

Source: NHK