Wednesday, 05/07/2023, 05:15 (UTC)

First trial of the 81-year-old man who pushed his wife in wheelchair into the sea

The first trial of the 81-year-old man who was accused of m.udering his 79-year-old wife, whom he had been taking care of for 40 years, by pushing her wheelchair into the sea at a port in Oiso, Kanagawa prefecture of last year was held today, the 5th. 

81-year-old Hiroshi Fujiwara who lived in Oiso, was accused of m.urdering his disabled 79-year-old wife Teruko, whom he had been caring for for over 40 years, by pushing her along with the wheelchair into the sea at the town’s port. 

At the first lay judge trial held at the Odawara branch of the Yokohama District Court on the 5th, the defendant admitted to the charges against him, saying, "There are no doubts about it.” 

In the opening statement, the prosecutor asserted: “The defendant had taken his wife out to the harbor, lying that they were going to see their eldest, then pushed both her and the wheelchair off the wharf. The criminal act had malicious intent and caused grave consequences.” 

On the other hand, the defense responded: “He had taken care of his wife for many years after she collapsed from a cerebral infarction. He had intended to jump along with her, but couldn’t” 

Source: NHK