Friday, 07/06/2024, 04:48 (UTC)

Capybara on the loose in Tochigi Prefecture

At around 2 PM on the 6th, the police received a report from a staff of the theme park Osaru Land & Animal Town that one capybara had escaped from its enclosure. 

The escaped animal is a male capybara named Iroha, reportedly 30 kilograms in weight and 1 meter in length. 

A total of 4 capybaras are kept at the theme park, but Iroha was put in a separate enclosure due to his poor health conditions at that time. He had apparently run out when a keeper opened the door to check on him and is believed to have gone outside of the facility grounds. There are two layers of doors to the enclosure, but the outer door was reported to have been left half-open. 

The park says: “Capybaras are usually quiet and gentle animals, but they are very agile and can run very fast at around 50 kilometers per hour.” It is urging people to notify the police if they find the animal and warning them not to touch the animal as it may become alarmed and attack.

The police are patrolling the area to find the animal. 

Source: NHK