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Monday, 17/06/2024, 05:31 (UTC)

Annual Table Flipping Contest held in Iwate, Japan

A unique contest where participants vent their frustrations while flipping a table was recently held in Yahaba Town, Iwate Prefecture of northern Japan. Held as part of town revitalization efforts, the Chabudai-Gaeshi Tournament attracted around 30 participants ranging from 2 to 74 years old from both within and outside of the prefecture. 

Sat in front of a small 40-centimeter-square table, participants loudly exclaimed their frustrations and wishes, then flipped the table with both hands. The winner was chosen based on criteria such as the distance from which the plastic toy fish flew from the table, their shouts, and their overall style. 

“Don’t just leave your socks lying around!”, “I want to lose weight!”, and “There is too much homework!” are frustrations vented.

Spectators thoroughly enjoyed the event, laughing and cheering the participants on.

The winner this year was a father who came with his son from Morioka City with a record distance of 7.44 meters. The man shared how he did not expect the fish to fly that far. He also said it was his first time participating and thinks it’s great how the lively event lets people have fun together. 

Source: NHK

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