Guide on bicycle purchasing an registration in Japan
In this article, we will guide you on how to purchase and register your bicycle in Japan.
- Buying a new bicycle
You can find new bicycles in general supermarkets or malls such as ドン・キホーテ (Don Quijote) or オリンピック (Olympic) if you live near or in Tokyo. It is better to take a look at the products available on their websites first to better choose a bicycle of your liking and within your budget.
Here are the links to the websites:
Don Quixote: http://www.donki.com/
Olympic: https://www.olympic-corp.co.jp/cycle/shopsearch
Bicycles being sold at Don Quixote
The cost for a new bicycle is usually roughly 10,000 to 20,000 yen.
- Buying a used bicycle:
The cost for a used bicycle is usually from around 5,000 to 10,000 yen. You can find used bicycles in the following locations:
- Flea markets: You can find information on the Internet and go to the markets in person to pick out the one you like. It is advisable that you ask your senpais (those who have been in Japan for longer and thus have more experience) for guidance and assistance. You can Google 中古自転車 (Chuukojitensha) to search for flea markets near where you love as well!
- 2ndStreet, Garage Off: These are chain stores that specialize in selling used products, thus their prices and quality would be a bit better than that of the flea markets. Within these two chain stores, Garage Off might be the better option due to its wide coverage in Japan, available even in rural areas.
Bicycles being sold at a flea market
Here are the links to the websites:
+ 2ndStreet: https://www.2ndstreet.jp/
+ Garage Off: https://www.hardoff.co.jp/garageoff/
- Buying off used products marketplace platforms: For example, Mercari (https://www.mercari.com/jp/) - a Japanese marketplace platform. Via this platform, people would sell products that they no longer used to save large garbage disposal fees. Therefore, you can find bicycles available at affordable prices on Mercari.
How to buy: Simply search 自転車 on Mercari and then choose a bicycle that is to your liking!
- Ask your senpais:
Usually, senpais would leave their studying materials, daily necessities, and sometimes also bicycles for their kouhais. Therefore, if possible, you can ask your senpais if you could get their bicycles for free or buy from them. This is the most effective method to get a bicycle in Japan.
II. Bicycle anti-theft registration
*P/s; You MUST NOT pick a random, unused bicycle on the road to use. The bicycles might be left unused for many days in some corner; however, there is a chance that they might have anti-theft registration. Therefore, by using them, you are violating the law, and thus would be accused of theft and be arrested.
Therefore, you should register for bicycle anti-theft as soon as possible. The registration procedure goes as follows:
If you got your bicycle at a store, the staff will advise on bicycle registration and anti-theft registration will be done at the time of purchase.
If you got your bicycle through websites or flea markets, you will have to register for the bicycle yourself.
Step 1: Prepare the necessary items:
- The bicycle itself
- Bicycle warranty or purchasing identification paper
- Personal identification documents (zairyu card, Insurance card, etc.)
- Registration fee
- Deed of transfer (if the bicycle was previously owned by another person)
The registration fee depends on where you live; however, it is usually under 1000 yen.
For example, the registration fee in Tokyo is 660 yen (free of tax).
It is of note that in the case where your bicycle was purchased via online marketplaces, you will need a “deed of transfer” from the previous owner, so make sure to contact them for it.
Step 2: Go to a bicycle shop in your city
Bring the items needed as listed in step 1 to a bicycle shop for registration. Oftentimes, bicycle shops will provide assistance for the registration process. However, it is always better to double-check before going there.
Then, all you have to do is to tell them that you would like to register for bicycle anti-theft. The staff would then assist you throughout the registration process.
* In the case where you got your bicycle from others (such as from your senpai or friends)
Even in the case where you got your bike from others, you can still register for bicycle anti-theft similarly to how you would when buying them off online marketplaces.
Firstly, you need to ask the previous owner to create a “Deed of transfer,” specifying the personal information of both sides and the bicycle frame serial number at the time of the handover.
Afterward, you can come to the registration office with said “Deed of transfer” and necessary items as stated in step 1 and register for bicycle anti-theft.