A Complete Guide to Re-entry Procedures for Foreign Residents in Japan
Are you planning to leave Japan temporarily? If you’re a foreign resident, understanding "Japan’s Re-entry Procedures" is essential to avoid any issues with your visa or residency status.
Read the information in this article to understand the related procedures better and make your return to Japan smoother!
What are Re-entry Procedures?
These are procedures that foreigners must complete before temporarily leaving Japan. If you apply for a re-entry permit before returning to your home country, your residence status (and period of stay) will continue from when you leave Japan until you return, but only within this specified period!
There are two types of re-entry permits: "Special Re-entry" and "Multiple Re-entry"
- Special Re-entry Permit: This is for residents planning to return to Japan within one year of departure.
- Multiple Re-entry Permit: For those who travel frequently and need to leave and return multiple times during their visa period.
Who Needs It: This applies to residents with work, student, spousal, or permanent visas. Short-term tourists do not require re-entry permits as their visa is usually single-entry.
Re-entry Procedures Before Returning Home
Before going through customs at the airport, you'll notice many foreigners stopping to fill out something. They're completing the 再入国出記録 (Re-entry Departure Record) form. At the airport, you can find the 再入国出記録 form placed before the customs area. It's available in Japanese, English, Korean, and Chinese.
You can refer to the sample re-entry permit application form in the image below.
A. Form on the left side, Arrival:
This page includes the following information:
- General information: 氏名 (full name), 生年月日 (date of birth), 航空機便名 (flight number departing to Japan), 署名 (signature).
- Question 1: Have you ever been found guilty in a criminal case in Japan or another country? Choose いいえ (NO).
- Question 2: Are you carrying any prohibited substances or dangerous items such as drugs, guns, bombs, etc.? Choose いいえ (NO).
B. Form on the right side, Departure:
This page includes the following information:
- General information: 氏名 (full name), 生年月日 (date of birth), 航空機便名 (flight number departing from Japan), 署名 (signature).
- Duration of stay in home country: There are 3 options including within 1 year, over 1 year, and over 2 years. Check the time you plan to return.
- Choice about returning or leaving permanently: Choose 1 if you intend to return and 2 if you're leaving permanently with no plans to return. Remember to check option 1 if you want to return to Japan. When you check option 1, customs will stamp your passport allowing you to re-enter Japan.
You can refer to the definitions of the two re-entry options on the Japanese Immigration Bureau website:
1.再入国による出国を希望します。(This must be applied for at the Immigration Bureau and costs 3000 yen)
2. みなし再入国許可による出国を希望します。(This can be done at the airport and is free)
After confirmation, security staff will attach part of your declaration to your passport. This will make your re-entry easier without facing questions like during your first entry.
Some notes
- Pay attention when checking the option to return to Japan or leave permanently, as this is a crucial part!
- If you check the box for leaving permanently with no plans to return, you'll receive a confirmation sheet. After agreeing to this confirmation sheet, customs will punch a hole in your residence card and cancel your visa.
- If you make a mistake while filling out the form, you can ask for another one. However, if your residence card has been punched and your visa is canceled, you must contact your school or company to reapply for a visa as soon as possible. The visa processing time is about 2-4 months.
- If you have a Permanent Resident visa (or long-term visa), checking option 1 allows for multiple re-entries without needing to do this re-entry procedure again (maximum 6 years). For long-term visas that are not permanent residency, this 再入国許可 (re-entry permit) is valid for a maximum of 5 years.
Navigating Japan’s re-entry procedures is straightforward if you’re prepared. By ensuring you have the necessary permits and that your documents are up to date, you can leave and return to Japan without any issues. Follow the steps outlined in this guide to make your re-entry process smooth and stress-free.
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Source: Compiled and edited by GoEMON team