Monday, 24/06/2024, 05:08 (UTC)

Japan records low levels of self-positivity among the young generation

A government survey conducted by the government targeting the younger Japanese generation revealed that 57% of participants are “satisfied with themselves.” Though a 10-point increase from the previous survey, this is still the lowest score among the five countries where the survey was conducted, namely the United States, France, Germany, Sweden, and Japan. Japan was also the only country that scored below 70%, with France coming in first at 76%.

First conducted in Japan in 2013, the survey is carried out every five years and was conducted among people aged between 13 to 29 via the Internet from November to December last year. 

Additionally, only 23% of the Japanese respondents answered that their country has a bright future. This is a decrease of 8 points from the results recorded 5 years ago and also falls significantly behind the range from 50% to 60% recorded in the other 4 countries. 

The Japanese government aims to change the attitudes of the young population through improved policies on poverty reduction, improved education, and providing employment support. 

Source: NHK