Monday, 05/08/2024, 06:54 (UTC)

Outline of Nagasaki Peace Declaration Revealed by City Mayor

Tomorrow, on the 9th, Nagasaki City mayor Suzuki Shiro is set to read the Peace Declaration at the Nagasaki Peace Memorial Ceremony marking the anniversary of the US atomic bombing of the city on 9 August 1945, during World War II. 

The “Nagasaki Peace Declaration” is drafted annually based on discussions by a committee consisting of atomic bomb survivors and experts. The outline of the declaration for this year was revealed several days prior by the mayor at a press conference. 

More specifically, the document refers to the Russian military invasion of Ukraine and tensions in the Middle East. expressing concerns over how the humanitarian norm of “not using nuclear weapons” is being seriously undermined. It also calls on the leaders of nations with nuclear power and those under the nuclear umbrella to steer toward the abolition of nuclear weapons and seek peaceful resolutions through diplomacy. 

Additionally, the mayor of Nagasaki will urge the Japanese government to sign and ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, as well as call on the government to recognize those who were outside the government-designated areas at the time of the bombing as atomic bomb survivors.  

Mayor Suzuki added that he wants to strongly convey to society that everyone in society should consider this issue as their own matter and act with a sense of responsibility. 

Source: NHK